Khalila Butik Hijab Syar'i

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Writers Block

Malem ini, iseng-iseng buka chat yang udah lama banget... sama seorang temen yang sekarang kuliah di luar negeri. Awal cerita, dulu sebelum dia ke kuliah di LN, saya pernah dikasih sebuah majalah kampus yang di situ ada tulisan dia. Setelah aku baca-baca lagi isi chat ini... kayaknya permasalahan writers block masih menjadi topik yang hangat di kalangan penulis. Hehehe.. Kebanyakan penulis bukannya gak bisa nulis, tapi ada saja kendala yang menjadikannya tidak menulis.

Ternyata, di chat ini saya lebih banyak mematahkan pendapat teman saya yang mengeluh kalau tulisannya bla bla bla. Kalau menulis ya menulis saja. Ini jadi semacam tamparan keras buat saya sendiri saat saya terkena writers block, baca ini bikin saya keki. Soalnya kadang-kadang suka gak pede juga sama tulisan saya sendiri. Haha.

Buat sharing dan nambah ilmu aja ya,, sory kalo banyak typo, banyak salah english-nya. Seingat saya chat ini jg pas malem2, no grammar no tenses. Tapi inshaAllah masih bisa diikuti obrolannya...

K: Do you remember the magazine which published your article, that u ever gave to me?
F: ohh, that’s was a long time ago
K: haha, but I still remember ur expression
when u gave it for me
F: how was my face that time?
K: it was so enthusiasm... and u really need a comment from me
F: yeah,i remember that, and when i start to read that article again i fell so silly to write that article, ....
K: it mean you may be will success to write your next articles.. cause.. you can laugh now when u read your written
F: and now i have so many ideas to write, but i just don't get any mood to write those ideas, i mean i lost those spirit to write.
K: we need passion
it is important than spirit may be you lost it now
F: i write every night on my diary, that's for my personal, but for people i don't think that's a good idea for now, i mean i don't see that's writing article and being published for my age is necessary for now.
K: umm,, not bad. I think that's not a problem. put your ideas on a journal is better than you not write anything. but, I have different opinion may be
writing is not about how genius you are
F: you right.its not about how jenious we are. but a big question for me, why we write?being famous? being known as a writer? or enjoying our hobby?
K: no, of course as a writer we have a reason why. everyone life with their opinion.but, we must share your thinking about. So, we will know, how stupid we're..and the reader is the best teacher, editor, and they will tell us our mistake...
F: good point.
K: so,could you tell me why you still reading books, a novel or articles right now?
F: honestly,im not that guy who brings book everywhere and read one book in a week, i read book for my personal thirsty, i mean when i depressed i need an enlightenment,when i feel sorrow i browse internet and i read an article, i read because when i read i got something that i need,
K: you get what you need?
and how about you can give?
F: not for now, i just looked to my self, and i don't get see anything in my self, when i read about sincerit and im trying to write it down, i feel shame, because should i tell people to do this and me my self so far far away from that idea.
K: owh,better you look around. just a few people get chance to learn atone of the best place like you....
I believe no one can give something if they have nothing
And you have it
F: you right. i live in many differences people and culture, that's really means something for me.
K: we will waiting for your contribution
F: just wait and watch.

Pesan saya buat yang baca ini, apapun yang menjadi kendalamu saat ingin menulis... yakinlah akan ada manfaat yang bisa kamu dapatkan dari menulis. Juga manfaat yang dapat kamu berikan bagi pembaca tulisanmu. Nice lesson.

Terimakasih yang dah pernah sharing sama saya tentang ini. Pelajaran berharga terkadang datang dari orang yang justru memiliki pemikiran berseberangan dengan kita. Dia akan memancing pemikiran-pemikiran kita yang terpendam di dasar fikiran.

P.S.: Just for share. Semoga ada manfaat yang dapat diambil. :)

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